Can a Furnace Give Off a Chemical Odor in Whitney Ranch, NV? How Do You Fix a Smeller Heater?

With furnace season here, we would like to talk about some of the smells that you might encounter as you try to stay warm this winter. LV Heating & Cooling is here to share some of the most common furnace smells and what they could mean for your heating system.

Common Furnace Smells

There are several smells and odors that you might experience when your turn your heating system on this winter. Here are some of the most common furnace smells and whether or not they are of any concern to homeowners.
– Burning Dust: It is extremely normal to smell something like burning dust when you turn your furnace on for the first time of the season. This is due to the dust that tends to settle on the unit throughout the spring and summer months. This is a temporary smell and should go away rather quickly. It isn’t anything that you need to be concerned about. If the smell persists and doesn’t go away quickly, you might want to contact the pros to come check it out.
– Rotten Eggs/Sulfur: You shouldn’t smell anything that resembles rotten eggs or sulfur when you turn on your furnace. This is likely caused by a gas leak that could be potentially dangerous. Natural gas is colorless, but a sulfuric odor is added to it so that leaks can be detectable. This is something that will need to be looked at right away to fix the problem and ensure your home is safe.
– Metallic Odor: If you happen to smell something that resembles metal or an electrical smell, it could be that there are some electrical issues that need to be addressed. There could be something wrong with the wiring, blower motor or other components inside your unit. This is something that shouldn’t be ignored. If you smell something metallic, call in the professionals to take a look at what could be going on.
– Gas Smell: Another smell that isn’t a welcomed one is something that smells gaseous or like diesel. This issue needs to be addressed right away. It is usually an issue with the fuel combustion process. Because this issue has to do with the fuel and your burner, it is something that should be fixed by professionals as soon as possible.

Forced Fan Furnace Inspections, Tune Ups, Repair, Replacement & More in Summerlin, North LV, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise, Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor & Greater Las Vegas, NV

Foul odors when your furnace is working to heat your home is usually something that shouldn’t be ignored. Some of the issues that come with foul odors are serious. However, there is no problem that the professionals at LV Heating & Cooling can’t handle. We will get your furnace back up and running as soon as possible. We want to make sure your home is safe throughout the heating process. Call us today!

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