A common furnace problem that homeowners run into during the winter is short cycling. This issue can leave you feeling uncomfortable even though it seems like your furnace is working. When your furnace can’t complete an entire heat cycle and seems like it is turning on for a short period of time before it shuts off again, this could be short cycling and you need to get to the bottom of the cause. LV Heating & Cooling is here to walk you through some of the most common issues that can lead to your furnace short cycling.
Common Causes of Short Cycling
There are several reasons why you might be experiencing a furnace that is short cycling. Some of the most common causes of this issue include:
– Airflow Restrictions: it is vital to your furnace that it has the airflow it needs to function properly. If you have a dirty filter, this will restrict airflow and cause the furnace to experience short cycling as a safety precaution to keep from overheating. Another cause of airflow restriction is obstructed vents. Make sure the vents are cleaned out and able to distribute warm air throughout your home.
– Thermostat Issues: There are a couple of issues that you might experience with your thermostat as well. If you don’t have a thermostat that is hardwired into your home, you need to think about the batteries. Change them on a regular schedule to avoid this issue. You might also have a thermostat that is malfunctioning because it is old and worn out. If your furnace is short cycling, it could be a thermostat issue.
– Blower Problems: The blower in your furnace works to move the heat into the vents and throughout the house. If the blower isn’t doing its job, it can cause the furnace to shut down prematurely as a safety precaution.
– Oversized Furnace: Your furnace needs to be the right size for your home. It might seem like getting a large furnace will help you save money, but it will actually hurt you more than help. If the furnace is too large, short cycling is a common problem. This can mean that you are uncomfortable and paying more to heat your home.
Problems with Short Cycling
Short cycling is an issue that can cause major wear and tear on your furnace. It has to work twice as hard to keep your home comfortable when this is happening. It can lead to premature furnace replacement and high energy bills each month. Not only that, but when your furnace is short cycling, you are more than likely less comfortable in your home as well.
Central Forced Air Furnace Heating Inspections, Tune Ups, Repair, Replacement & More in Summerlin, North LV, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise, Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor & Greater Las Vegas, NV
If you’re experiencing short cycling, you can turn to LV Heating & Cooling to get to the bottom of the issue. We will figure out what is causing this problem and work to fix it so you can remain comfortable in your home this winter. Call us today!